Email Marketing
Depending on the industry, email marketing can be a very powerful and reliable tool for communicating with customers to inform and educate as well as generate new leads and potential sales. Just 5 year ago, the email marketing space saw some radical innovations from companies like Mail Chimp, but today there are dozens of amazing platforms that make custom email marketing campaigns a snap with AI integration and upgraded automation tools using Zapier. We are a big believer in email marketing because most major email marketing platforms such as Robly, Mail Chimp, AWeber, Campaigner, and HubSpot include very accurate analytical tools that empower our clients determine ROI and the effectiveness of the time and money that goes into each marketing campaign.
Most of the graphics below were pulled from email campaigns we did for PAM Distributing—one of the largest wholesale distributors of high-end CCTV surveillance and access control equipment in the United States.
Marketing Email Design Sample
View a sample layout of a custom email marketing template we designed for a recent client.